

Stand and Deliver Asheville’s trainings unlock a participant’s unique communication style and voice, blending expertise and insights from careers in dance, theater, teaching, community engagement, and coaching.

Through my 3-Ms approach: messenger, message, and mastery, I’ve helped authors, entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders from diverse industries craft their message, master their fears, and deliver a powerful message.

Stand and Deliver Asheville offers speaking and communication training for professionals, organizations, and individuals.

  • Messenger

    How you deliver your pitch or speech is equally important to what you say. I teach five key delivery methods that bring command and vitality to a presenter’s delivery style.

    "I appreciate the passion you brought to the training. I also appreciate a class without writing in workbooks, but actually doing and being evaluated on the spot."

    ~Allyson Monsour, Engineer

  • Message

    Content organization and clarity of concept is essential to convey your message. Spark your audience's attention and keep them captivated with streamlined and compelling content.

    “Barrie’s expertise in streamlining content, organizing my ideas, and aligning slides was remarkably efficient and on point. Her coaching gave me the benefit of feeling confident in my content and relaxed in my delivery.”

    ~ Richard Fort, Architect

  • Mastery

    Effective speaking goes beyond compelling content and powerful delivery. Self-mastery is demonstrated through executive presence and confidence. Through training, you will increase self-awareness and attunement to others to help you become a leader who is at conscious choice how to respond, listen, and speak in any given situation.

    "The training was simple and straight forward and had a powerful effect on my comfort - my belief I can bring my message to the world."

    ~ Cheri Torres, Author