Terms and Conditions
All products and services are owned and created by Barrie Barton and Stand and Deliver Asheville™.
By accessing or using our products or services, you agree to abide by our terms as defined below.
“Stand and Deliver Asheville” is signified on this website with intent to trademark (™). All materials made available to you–private consultation outlines, workshop materials, blog posts, articles, social media information and books–remain property of Barrie Barton and Stand and Deliver Asheville. Please do not copy or distribute content without prior written approval from Barrie Barton. You are encouraged to share excerpts of written materials with hyperlinks back to the Stand and Deliver Asheville website and credit given to the author.
Any information you provide will not be shared with, sold or rented to any third parties. We keep your email address and all information private. If you ever feel that your information may have been compromised, please contact us at barrie@standanddeliverasheville.com.
Barrie Barton ensures the highest quality service n her workshops and client care. We will be happy to answer any questions whatsoever you may have about a service prior to your agreement and contract. Barrie or another staff member from Stand and Deliver Asheville may follow up with all clients with a short form asking for feedback or a testimonial on our performance.